A fun class for anyone who loves art and the environment! Extend the beauty of every season by learning to press leaves & flowers! Find and preserve the beautiful treasures in your yard and use these unique elements in card-making and other crafting. Includes a hands-on activity! (children 10 or older welcome with an adult)Suplies all included to take home flowers and botanicals for gifts and cards.
This class is part of a series with expert gardener, landscape designer and water ecologist Kathy Anderson. She has extensive experience in site assessments and rain garden designs for residential properties, and is a hands-on consultant through her business, Bountiful Landscapes. All levels of interest and skills welcome. Supplies included.
Do you have a kid in your life for love basketball? Check out our summer camp offerings!
Summer Youth Camps are open for registration! Sign up your kiddos to learn to play basketball with Shoreline coach Aaron Mackey and team plays this summer! Registration is open NOW! Shoreline Community College (campusce.net). Contact Coach Mackey with questions: askeem@shoreline.edu.
Get your 2 year First Aid, CPR, and AED skills certification card through CE on campus this spring!
This course is a partnership with Shoreline CC, WestCoast CPR Training and the Health and Safety Institute. You will gain knowledge and skill proficiency in First Aid, CPR, and AED skills to help adult, child, and infant patients in emergency situations. First, complete a comprehensive 4 hour online training course at home online and then participate in a fun hands-on practice class on campus. Upon successfully completing this course, participants will receive a certification card valid for 2 years. For 16+.
Fee: $109.00
Dates: March 20th (W) in person, prep course online can start any time after you sign up!
Check out the Shoreline CC Continuing Education classes in the Winter 2024 brochure! Printed copies also available on campus.
We are offering classes in person on the college campus and online for your convenience. These non-credit classes are for youth and adults of all ages. Classes are scheduled between January 8th and March 16th, 2024. Get more details on the College website: Continuing Education | Shoreline Community College and our registration page: Shoreline Community College (campusce.net).
Shoreline Music Faculty are offering private, non-credit, music and voice lessons in Winter 2024. Learn to play the piano, saxophone, trumpet, percussion/drums, bass guitar, guitar, ukelele, or to sing for fun or professionally! Lessons are flexible, reasonably priced and non-credit. Check out the faculty and private lessons options here: Individual Instrument Instruction (campusce.net)
Sign up for Chinese language classes and art workshops in Winter Quarter 2024 with our Chinese Scholar, Fei Ke. Workshops are FREE for Shoreline students and staff, and there is a 10% discount for classes. Contact sgugger@shoreline.edu for the promo codes. For more information, contact Fei Ke at: fke@shoreline.edu. Register here: Arts, Culture & Music (campusce.net)