Category: Student Communications

November 30th, 2022 by

Campus services (both in person and online) will close at 3:30 pm today November 30th, 2022, due to inclement weather. This morning when the decision to delay campus was made, the team was under the assumption that snow removal would be completed by 10:00 am. Unfortunately, that did not happen and we are still working on it. All evening on-campus events are canceled or moved to remote modalities. The College will continue to closely monitor weather conditions to determine campus modality for Thursday, December 1, 2022,  with an update to campus by 5:00 am. 

Supervisors should continue to work with employees who may need to head home earlier today (utilizing remote work or leave as appropriate) because of worsening conditions near their home areas. Employees should also bring home laptops, etc. Home today in the event the College moves to remote operations because of weather conditions tomorrow. 

The College will continue to closely monitor weather conditions to determine campus modality for Thursday, December 1, 2022. REMINDER: The College will post inclement weather updates to the College website by 5:00 am each day as appropriate. 

Posted in Announcements, Safety and Security, Student Communications

November 30th, 2022 by

Campus services and classes (both in person and online) will open late today at 10:00 am, November 30th, 2022, due to inclement weather. Employees should not report for work until 10:00 am unless designated by the College as required to do so. Should employees be unable to reach campus because of inclement weather conditions, please work with your supervisor to identify remote work or leave options as appropriate.  

Students, please check your course Canvas pages before class to know if your class will be offered remotely.  

The Childcare Center will also have a late start in alignment with the campus at 10:00 am.  Safety & Security will be available to assist the 7000 building residents as needed. 

The College will continue to closely monitor weather conditions to determine campus modality for Thursday, December 1, 2022. 

REMINDER: The College will post inclement weather updates to the College website by 5:00 am each day as appropriate. 


Posted in Announcements, Safety and Security, Student Communications

November 29th, 2022 by

Campus services (both in person and online) will close today at 5:30 pm today November 29th, 2022, due to inclement weather. All evening on-campus events are canceled or moved to remote modalities. The College will continue to closely monitor weather conditions to determine campus modality for Wednesday, November 30, 2022, by 5:00 am. 

Supervisors should continue to work with employees who may need to head home early this afternoon (utilizing remote work or leave as appropriate) because of worsening conditions near their home areas. Employees should also take home laptops, etc. in the event the College moves to remote operations because of weather conditions tomorrow. 

REMINDER: The College will post inclement weather updates to the College website by 5:00 am each day as appropriate. 

Posted in Announcements, Safety and Security, Student Communications

November 28th, 2022 by

Good Afternoon All,

The 2022-23 Suspended Operations guidance is ready and available for your reference during potential upcoming inclement weather. This information can be found online on the HR Intranet webpage.

Questions regarding this information may be directed to Human Resources at at any time.

Posted in Announcements, Events, Safety and Security, Student Communications

November 17th, 2022 by


Class enrollment for Winter Quarter is now open for continuing students. Log in to your ctcLink account today to explore classes and enroll 

Do you need help with choosing classes?  

Do you need help with your ctcLink account?  

  • Zoom: Join us on Zoom, Mondays – Thursdays from 9am-5pm and Fridays from 9am-4:30pm PDT.   
  • Online: Visit the Support Center for answers to common questions or to submit a request for support with an issue.  

We look forward to seeing you in future quarters! 

Posted in Announcements, Courses and Classes, Student Communications

November 9th, 2022 by

Shoreline Community College will be closed in honor of Veterans Day on Friday, November 11.  We would particularly like to acknowledge and offer our sincere appreciation for the service and sacrifice of our Shoreline Community College veterans’ community.  A Veterans Day banner is posted on the door of the Veterans Resource Center (VRC – FOSS 5225A).  All are invited to stop by, add your words of thanks, and attach a picture of your favorite veteran! 

*3 Facts About Veterans Day You May Not Know 

  • Veterans Day does NOT have an apostrophe! The holiday is not a day that “belongs” to one veteran or multiple veterans, which is what an apostrophe implies.  It’s a day for honoring all veterans – so no apostrophe needed. 
  • Veterans Day is NOT the same as Memorial Day.  Memorial Day is a time to remember those who gave their lives for our country.  Veterans Day honors all of those who served our country in war or peace – deceased or living – although it’s largely intended to honor living veterans for their sacrifices.  
  • Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War 1.  World War I officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919.  However, the fighting ended about seven months before that when the Allies and Germany put into effect an armistice on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. 


Veteran & Military Student Services (VMSS) will be hosting a Veterans Day Appreciation Lunch in the Veterans Resource Center (VRC – FOSS 5225A) on Wednesday, November 9 and Thursday, November 10 for our veterans and military-connected students. 

*Adapted from the Department of Defense: 


Shoreline Community College cerrará el viernes 11 de noviembre para celebrar el Día de los veteranos.  Queremos expresar nuestro más sincero reconocimiento y agradecimiento por el servicio y el sacrificio de nuestra comunidad de veteranos en Shoreline Community College.  Hay una pancarta del Día de los veteranos publicada en la puerta del Centro de recursos para veteranos (VRC, en inglés) (Salón FOSS 5225A).  Les invitamos para que se acerquen a dejar unas palabras de agradecimiento y colocar una foto de su veterano favorito. 


*3 Curiosidades sobre el Día de los veteranos que quizás no sabías 

  • En inglés, ¡el nombre Día de los veteranos (Veterans Day) no lleva apóstrofe!  La festividad no es un día que “pertenezca” a uno o varios veteranos, que es lo que implica el uso del apóstrofe.  Es un día para rendir homenaje a todos los veteranos, por lo tanto, no necesita dicho recurso gramatical. 
  • El Día de los veteranos NO es lo mismo que el Día de los caídos (Memorial Day).  Este último es un día para recordar a aquellos que dieron su vida por nuestro país.  El Día de los veteranos rinde homenaje a todos los que sirvieron a nuestro país en momentos de guerra o de paz (que hayan fallecido o que estén con vida), aunque, principalmente, busca homenajear a los veteranos vivos por sus sacrificios. 
  • El Día de los veteranos fue llamado, originalmente, Día del armisticio, ya que conmemoraba el fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial, que finalizó de manera oficial con la firma del Tratado de Versalles el 28 de junio de 1919.    Sin embargo, los combates terminaron siete meses antes de esa fecha, cuando los Aliados y Alemania acordaron un armisticio a las 11 horas del día 11 del mes 11. 

El Departamento de Servicios estudiantiles para militares y veteranos (VMSS, en inglés) realizará un almuerzo de agradecimiento en el Centro de recursos para veteranos (VRC – FOSS 5225A) los días miércoles 9 y jueves 10 de noviembre para nuestros estudiantes veteranos o vinculados con el servicio militar. 

*Extraído del Departamento de defensa: 



Posted in Announcements, Events, Student Communications

November 8th, 2022 by

Dear Campus Community, 

This morning, Seattle Police responded to a shooting at Ingraham High School in north Seattle. There was no threat to our campus. However, we realize that members of our community may be impacted by this event and may even have a connection to Ingraham High School, and we want to remind everyone of the resources available to you. 


Employees may access services and support at any time through the Employee Assistance Program at 877-313-4455.   

Students may access the following services:   

  • If you are experiencing distress related to this, please reach out to the Counseling Center for support. 
  • In addition, for emergency counseling, referral, or assistance 24-hours/day and 7-days/week, please call:   
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 800-273-8255  
  • King County: Crisis Connections (Crisis Line) | 866-427-4747  
  • Snohomish County: Volunteers of America Care Crisis Response Services (Crisis Line) | 800-584-3578  
  • Lifeline Crisis Chat: Go to  
  • Crisis Text Line: Text 741741  
  • 911 (for immediate health-related emergencies) 


Thank you,
Greg Cranson
Director Department of Safety & Security
Shoreline Community College 


Posted in Announcements, Safety and Security, Student Communications

November 7th, 2022 by

Dear Student,

You’re the expert when it comes to what’s happening with your college experience – so we need your help to make Shoreline Community College the most supportive it can be for you and fellow students.

You are invited to share about your college experience in the Washington Student Experience Survey. You were chosen to reply simply because you are one of our students and we value you. You may click the link below to get started – the survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

If the link is not working, try to copy and paste it into your web browser. We ask that you complete the survey by November 30, 2022, to ensure your responses are included in the results.

Please note: your participation in this survey is voluntary, no personally-identifiable information will be collected, and all individual responses will be kept confidential (data will be saved on secure servers and shared with approved researchers only; no attempts will be made to identify individual respondents). If you have questions about the survey, please send a note to the Lead Partner Institution for this project (Western Washington University) at


Dr. Phillip King, Vice President for Student Learning, Equity, and Success

Posted in Announcements, Student Communications

November 7th, 2022 by

Right now, businesses everywhere are looking for people who can solve today’s problems and seize tomorrow’s opportunities – professionals with the skills to drive informed decisions and achieve competitive advantage.

Would you like to be one of those people? Then we’ve got something for you!

Shoreline Community College is excited to announce our new Associate of Applied Arts in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics degree.

​​This program gives students a foundation in data principles, analytics, and decision-making. Students also learn data reporting & visualization, giving you the ability to convert raw data into the meaningful information that businesses need to succeed.

The program can be completed in 2 years, creating a pathway to high-wage, in-demand jobs in a variety of industries, including finance, marketing, aviation, logistics, and sales.

Enrollment is open for the Business Intelligence & Data Analytics program, as well as all of our other business programs.

Launch your business career today!

Contact for more information.

Posted in Announcements, Courses and Classes, Student Communications

October 21st, 2022 by

Dear Campus Community, 

This message is in follow-up to the earlier RAVE and email alert shared regarding an early morning incident on campus.    

At approximately 6:11 a.m. today, a student resident was involved in an altercation with Campus Security and the King County Sheriff’s Office. The incident spilled out of Bldg. 7000 and continued near the King County Metro bus stops on campus resulting in damage to 2 Campus Security vehicles and minor injuries to both Campus Security and Sheriff’s Deputies. The student resident has been arrested and transported to a medical facility for medical evaluation. 

As shared in the initial update, there is no ongoing threat to campus and the incident is resolved. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Campus Security Officer David Banik and Campus Security Officer Karl Hicks for their prompt response and action to this incident, which ensured a quick resolution in the protection of campus. 

This incident highlights the escalating need on campus for additional security resources as the number of incidents grows in response to changing regional dynamics. The college will continue to analyze and make improvements where possible to ensure continued safety and security for the college community. 

The College has begun a multi-faceted investigation into this incident and will continue to engage in active discussions with regard to additional support or resources in response. The College will keep the campus informed as new recommendations are identified.   


Employees may access services and support at any time through the Employee Assistance Program at 877-313-4455.   

Students may access the following services:   

  • If you are experiencing distress related to this, please reach out to the Counseling Center for support. Member(s) of our Counseling Center staff will be on-hand for class today at 1:00 pm.  
  • In addition, for emergency counseling, referral, or assistance 24-hours/day and 7-days/week, please call:   
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 800-273-8255  
  • King County: Crisis Connections (Crisis Line) | 866-427-4747  
  • Snohomish County: Volunteers of America Care Crisis Response Services (Crisis Line) | 800-584-3578  
  • Lifeline Crisis Chat: Go to  
  • Crisis Text Line: Text 741741  
  • 911 (for immediate health-related emergencies) 


Thank you, 
Greg Cranson 
Director Department of Safety & Security 
Shoreline Community College 



Posted in Announcements, Student Communications