Your safety and comfort are important to us. The College continued to closely monitor conditions on campus today with regard to air quality as a result of the wildfire smoke in the area. Due to air quality some campus operations may move to remote services today October 20th, 2022, through the end of the day. Please check in with your instructor today before class to know if your class will be offered remotely. If your class is still happening in-person and you do not feel safe coming to campus, please communicate with your instructor. The College will continue to closely monitor air conditions tomorrow to determine campus modality for Friday, October 21, 2022.
Are you interested in becoming involved on campus and helping your peers get connected to the community? If so, apply to be a First Year Peer Mentor or an eLearning Peer Mentor! We are looking for students who are passionate about peer mentorship or interested in learning more about it. The full job description for each position can be found on the application form. Applications are due by October 31, 2022.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this application form, please contact:
First Year: Tsetsen Anuurad,
eLearning: Lauren Caruso,
Dear Current Students:
Are you interested in helping your peers get connected to campus resources and becoming part of a growing team? If so, apply to be a Student Ambassador! We are looking for students who are passionate about making the campus a more inclusive and welcoming environment. The full job description can be found on the application form. Applications are due by October 31, 2022.
As we continue to heal and embrace lessons learned from the pandemic, Shoreline Community College is committed to placing diversity, equity, and inclusion at the core of our mission. This is both difficult and necessary work that asks us to reflect on the past and mistakes we have made, particularly with first-generation, underserved, and students of color, and learn how to better serve the needs and educational goals of students like you.
Your voice, and the stories that come with it, are so important to informing the College’s work ahead. So, we invite you to share your experience at Shoreline with us by participating in this anonymous survey that we created with a global research firm, Hanover Research.
The survey may take you about 10 minutes to complete. Any identifying information you provide (e.g., race, gender, etc.) will be confidentially stored by Hanover Research and the results will only be shared with Shoreline Community College anonymously. The first 200 respondents who qualify for and complete the survey will receive a $10 gift card.
Your open feedback is welcomed, necessary, and most of all valued. Thank you for taking a moment to respond and for helping our college build toward an equitable and inclusive campus community!
Dear Students, Welcome to Shoreline Community College. We are so excited that you chose to join us. I want to take a moment to personally encourage you on your journey. Whether you are taking classes for transfer, to prepare for an occupation, and/or to engage in educational opportunities to develop your curiosity and knowledge, you are in the right placeThe fact that you chose to come to Shoreline, on top of balancing the other priorities in your life, says a lot about you. It says that you have a vision for your future, and you see Shoreline as the place to realize it. No matter what challenges you may be facing right now, we want to make sure you are supported to succeed. I want to emphasize that this is your college, and that you belong here. Wearethrilled you are here and are dedicated to your success. As a start, please explore the resource links in this email. We know the earlier that you utilize these support services, the more likely you will be to gain benefits and reach your goals. Please do not hesitate to call us, e-mail us or just drop by so we can ensure that you are getting your needs met. All of us at Shoreline – from our stellar professors to our committed advisors, supportive staff, and administrators are here to support you on that journey. And that includes me. You don’t have to do it alone and we are here to help you complete your goals.
Sincerely, Dr. Jack Kahn President Shoreline Community College
Estimados estudiantes, Bienvenidos a Shoreline Community College.Es un honor que nos hayan elegido. Quiero dedicar un momento para motivarlos en el viaje que comienzan. Bien sea que se matricularon para realizar una futura transferencia, prepararse para un oficio o aprovechar las oportunidades educativas para desarrollar su curiosidad y conocimiento, están en el lugar indicado. El que hayan decidido asistir a Shoreline, además de equilibrar sus otras prioridades de vida, dice mucho de ustedes; significa que tienen una visión sobre su futuro y que ven Shoreline como el lugar para materializarla. No importa los desafíos a los que se estén enfrentando ahora mismo, queremos garantizar que tendrán el apoyo que necesitan para alcanzar el éxito. Quiero destacar que esta es su universidad, y que tienen un lugar aquí. Nos emociona tenerlos con nosotros y nos comprometemos con su éxito. Para empezar, pueden explorar los enlaces de recursos que aparecen en este correo. Sabemos que mientras más rápido utilicen estos servicios de apoyo, más probabilidades tendrán de obtener beneficios para alcanzar sus metas. No duden en llamarnos, enviarnos un correo electrónico o visitarnos en persona para que asegurarnos de que sus necesidades están cubiertas. Todo el personal de Shoreline, desde nuestros brillantes profesores hasta nuestro dedicado personal de consejeros, apoyo, administradores, y yo incluido, estamos aquí para ayudarlos durante su viaje. No tienen que hacerlo solos, y estamos aquí para ayudarlos a conseguir sus metas. Atentamente, Dr. Jack Kahn Rector Shoreline Community College
The Federal COVID Pandemic Assistance fund, also known as CARES and HEERF, allotted to Shoreline Community College has now been exhausted. Students who were already awarded the COVID aid for Fall will begin to see their funds disbursement starting on Thursday, September 29th, 2022.
United Way of King County has also provided emergency funding for the 2022-2023 academic year. Information on how to apply can be found on the emergency funding page. Emergency funding options can be found at this link.
For students needing additional aid, we encourage you to complete the 2022-2023 FAFSA or WASFA. Please visit Funding and Aid Sources to find additional funding options. Those who have already applied for fall 2022 traditional financial aid will have their classes placed on hold to prevent them from being dropped for non-payment while the Financial Aid Office review their files to determine eligibility.
Last evening there was a car prowl and attempted theft of an automotive program vehicle near the Track & Field on campus. Campus Security interrupted the attempted theft during routine patrol and the suspect fled. Shoreline Police and the King County Sheriff’s Office responded, but the suspect was gone on arrival.
This is a notification only, there is no threat to the campus or community.
As a reminder, please see the following safety guidelines:
Park in well-lit, high traffic areas.
If you parked further out during the day, consider moving your vehicle closer when working during the evening.
If you feel the need, call the on-duty Campus Security Officer for a security escort to your vehicle after hours.
If you previously tried to enroll in a class for fall quarter only to find that it was full, we have great news: we just opened additional space in a number of fall courses!
Search the fall schedule for available classes and enroll today! We have also moved many students into classes from waitlists. If you were waitlisted for a Fall Quarter class, be sure you check your schedule before enrolling in additional classes.