March 22nd, 2016 by
Did you know that our local blood bank hasn’t had much luck with their inventory this month? Blood donors needed next week!

Posted in Announcements, Events Tagged with: blood drive, bloodworks northwest
November 30th, 2015 by

On Tues., Dec. 1, Bloodworks Northwest will be on campus collecting blood donations from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m.) in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208).
All blood types are equally as important and needed! You can make a difference in someone’s life in 45 minutes.
Double your impact by bringing a friend along!
Shoreline Community College Blood Drive
PUB-Quiet Dining Room
Tues., Dec. 1
10:00am to 4:00pm (closed 12:00pm to 1:00pm)
To sign up, click here or call 1-800-398-7888
Photo I.D. Required | Walk-ins Welcome
Posted in Announcements, Uncategorized Tagged with: blood drive
September 28th, 2015 by

Due to the tragic accident that happened on the Aurora Bridge last Thursday, multiple hospitals requested additional blood components from Bloodworks Northwest. Although they had an outpouring of donors at blood centers and blood drives over the weekend to donate blood, Bloodworks Northwest is still trying to replenish their blood inventory and prep for any unforeseen accidents that may happen in the future.
Please consider donating during the Shoreline Community College Blood Drive happening in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208) on Tues., Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed 12-1 p.m.).
To sign up for an appointment, call 1-800-398-7888 or click here.
Photo I.D. Required | Walk-ins Welcome!
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: blood drive
July 29th, 2015 by

Don’t forget the summer campus blood drive happening Thurs., July 30 in the PUB Quiet Dining Room from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (closed 12-1 p.m.).
The summer heat wave has made this donation period all the more critical. The hot weather has caused many area blood drives to shut down early or even be cancelled altogether, meaning inventory of blood units isn’t stable.
There are plenty of openings to accommodate all donors! Walk ins are welcomed day of, or you can click here to schedule an appointment in advance.
It only takes 45 minutes (or less) to donate one pint of blood and save three lives! Double your impact by bringing a friend along. Photo I.D. Required.
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: blood drive
July 23rd, 2015 by

Shoreline is hosting a blood drive next Thurs., July 30 in the PUB Quiet Dining Room from 10 a.m – 4 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m.). There are plenty of openings to accommodate all donors! Walk ins are welcomed day of, or you can click here to schedule an appointment in advance.
Double your impact by bringing a friend along. Photo I.D. Required.
Posted in Announcements Tagged with: blood drive
April 1st, 2015 by

Please join us for the Shoreline Community College Blood Drive this Thurs., April 2 from 10am-4pm (closed 12-1pm) in the PUB Quiet Dining Room (9208). Appointments are encouraged, but walk-in donors are welcomed! To sign up, please call 1-800-398-7888 or visit A photo I.D. is required to donate.
Puget Sound Blood Center has been working on rebuilding their blood inventory for the few weeks and your fellow whole blood donors have been responding in force. Even though their blood inventory has been slowly getting better, they really hope to bring it back to a stable level (i.e. 4-day of blood supply).
If you are feeling well and have an opening in your schedule this Thursday, please lend an arm and help save three lives!
Posted in Announcements, Events, Free, Volunteer Opportunities Tagged with: blood donation, blood drive